Symposium Program
The symposium will take place April 10 – April 12, 2025, at UK in Lexington, Ky. Please plan to arrive on April 10 by 5:00 pm for the kick-off event. As in prior years, the event will close on April 13 around 12:30 pm. Click here to view and download the full program.
2025 Southeast Marketing Symposium Itinerary (TENTATIVE)
University of Kentucky, Lexington
Thursday, April 10
4:00 pm Check in @ Hotel
11 am Van: Depart Hotel to Optional Keeneland Racing Attendance
12—5 pm: Optional Keeneland Racing Attendance
5 pm: Van from Keeneland to Hotel
6 pm: Welcome Reception @ Limestone Hall
**ID required for drinks
9 pm: Event Concludes
Friday, April 11th
7:00 am Breakfast @ Hotel on your own
8:30 am: Van: Depart Hotel to Gatton College of Business
9:00 am: Conference Welcome, Woodward Hall 3rd floor
9:30 am: Research Presentations
10:45 am Refreshment Break
11 am – 12:15 pm Research Presentations
12:20 Lunch and Award Presentations
1:45 – 2:45 pm Research Presentations
2:45 pm Refreshment Break
3:00 pm Speed Networking Activity | Atrium
4:00 Van: Depart Gatton College to the Hotel
5:00 Van: Depart Hotel to Castle and Key Distillery
6:00 Castle and Key Distillery Tour
9:00 pm Event Ends, buses depart for Hotel
Saturday, April 12th
7:00 am Breakfast @ Hotel
8:00 am Van: Depart Hotel to Gatton College
8:30 am Department Chair and PhD Coordinator’s Meeting (By Invitation Only)
9:15 am Van: Depart Hotel to Gatton College
10:00 am Research Presentations
11:00 am Award Presentation and Closing Remarks | Atrium